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What they say about us

  • Artem Makarevich - student

    "I want to say thank you for all people I've met here. It was outstanding four weeks. Hope to be back here next year!"
  • Mª de la Luz Martinez Gonzalez

    "I love the method used. My teacher was awesome!"
  • Kirsty Hayes - British Ambassador to Portugal

    "I thought it was excellent. Excellent teachers and very supportive environment. Would definitely recommend. Muito obrigada! "
  • Roxana Gonçalves

    "The best teaching staff, flexible approach to learning and course administration, great learning environment and support plus facilities surpassed my expectations."
  • Li Yu Yun - student

    "Gosto muito da escola inlingua e das atividades. Os professores são todos simpáticos. Vou recomendar aos meus amigos estudar aqui. Obrigada!"
  • Gerardo Schnell - Crash Intensive Programme

    "Each teacher was very willing to adapt the class to my needs. Each lesson was very customised."

Portugiesisch und Surfen


Holen Sie das meiste aus Ihrem Aufenthalt in Porto: Surfen lernen und Portugiesisch verbessern

In den Monaten Juli und August organisieren wir in Zusammenarbeit mit der Surfschule Porto komplette Tagesprogramme. Morgens gibt es Portugiesischunterricht in der Schule und nachmittags geht es mit der Metro nach Matosinhos zu einer täglichen 90 Mintuen – Surfstunde. Surfanzug und Surfbrett inbegriffen.


Daten (2017)

Anfänger: 03.07, 17.07, 31.07, 14.08, 28.08, 11.09, 25.09, 09.10, 23.10


anderen Ebenen: Jeden Montag in Juli / August / September



3 Stunden pro Tag in einer Gruppenklasse Portugiesisch

1 Stunde pro Tag iOL

1.5 Surfstunde


€410 / Woche