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O que dizem de nós

  • Paulo Magalhães Economista

    "Um elevado padrão de ensino, com grupos pequenos, que permite um bom nível de aprendizagem. Gostei do facto de os professores serem nativos da língua e da informalidade com que as aulas foram leccionadas."
  • Alexandre Ventura (empresas)

    "A prática foi muito boa, e com resultados imediatos."
  • Beatriz Ordás

    "Eu recomendaria a inlingua porque oferecem um tratamento muito personalisado e cuidam muito dos alunos. As atividades também foram muito boas. Muito Obrigada!"
  • Jose Ignacio Acevedo

    "The teachers were really good. They concentrated correctly on what I needed to learn"
  • Helena Mendes (curso em empresa)

    "Adorei a professora e aprendi muito e gostava de continuar"
  • Sandra Regufe (curso em empresa)

    "Foi uma forma descontraida de "desenferrujar" a língua inglesa. Era esse o principal objectivo e acho que foi atingido"
  • Beatriz Besana (curso de ano letivo)

    "A professora dá as aulas com muita motivação!"
  • Angelo Gomes (curso em empresa)

    "Existiu a preocupação de adequar o curso ao nível linguístico de cada formando. Os termos abordados foram de encontro às necessidades individuais e gerais."

Inglês para Turismo e Viagens


Curso de inglês específico: Travel and Tourism.

Um curso de curta duração indicado para quem trabalha, ou quer trabalhar na indústria de Turismo.


Unit 1                                            Arrivals

Key Point 1

New arrivals

Collecting people from the airport / bus   station / train station and helping them to find their accommodation.   Explaining timetables and time differences. Giving simple directions. Talking   about the weather. Prepositions.

Key Point 2

Settling in

Giving important information when   arriving at accommodation / conference center; location of facilities,   timetabled events, etc. Answering inquiries. Wi-fi / Internet connections.   Currency conversions.

Key Point 3


Dealing with passengers’ queries and   requests regarding public transport. Timetable queries. Independent travelers   using chauffeurs, car hire or taxis.

UNIT 2                                            Curious   travelers

Key Point 4

Looking around

Giving information about a new location,   places of interest, special events. Recommending places of interest.

Key Point 5

Excursions and scheduled events

Providing information about organized   excursions.

Key Point 6

Culture and customs

Providing information about rules,   cultural requirements and cautionary measures. Obligation.

UNIT 3                                            event organizing

Key Point 7

Business events

Organizing meetings or business events   for small or large groups.

Key Point 8


Accommodation inquiries and bookings over   the telephone. Inquiries regarding location, facilities and special events.   Information regarding conference/business facilities. Room service.

Key Point 9

Written correspondence

Emails, letters and faxes.


UNIT 4                                            Relaxed Travelers

Key Point 10

Out and about

Explaining how to travel between   locations. Use of public transport. Helping lost travelers.

Key Point 11

A little bit of background

Providing historical background   information for a new location.

Key Point 12

Food and drink

Providing details about restaurants,   local cuisine and specific dishes. Making recommendations. Dealing with   specific dietary requirements. Problem solving. Fulfilling catering needs for   meetings and conferences.


UNIT 5                                            Getting it right

Key Point 13

Customer service

Dealing with customer requests in a   variety of situations. Making small talk.

Key Point 14

Papers in order

Visas, passports, medical certificates,   travel insurance coverage and medical cards.

Key Point 15

Medical problems

Identifying symptoms. Causes of illnesses   and injuries and suggesting a course of action.

Travel insurance coverage and medical   cards.


UNIT 6                                            Service with a smile

Key Point 16

Problem solving

Use of diplomatic and polite vocabulary.   Identifying needs or problems with accommodation and facilities and offering   appropriate solutions. Writing / receiving a complaint.

Key Point 17

Lost property

Helping travelers locate lost belongings.   Writing reports about lost or stolen items. Past tenses.

Key Point 18

Time to go home

Language for checking out. Customer   surveys. The future of the travel and tourism industry. A review of the   module.