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O que dizem de nós

  • Paulo Magalhães Economista

    "Um elevado padrão de ensino, com grupos pequenos, que permite um bom nível de aprendizagem. Gostei do facto de os professores serem nativos da língua e da informalidade com que as aulas foram leccionadas."
  • Alexandre Ventura (empresas)

    "A prática foi muito boa, e com resultados imediatos."
  • Beatriz Ordás

    "Eu recomendaria a inlingua porque oferecem um tratamento muito personalisado e cuidam muito dos alunos. As atividades também foram muito boas. Muito Obrigada!"
  • Jose Ignacio Acevedo

    "The teachers were really good. They concentrated correctly on what I needed to learn"
  • Helena Mendes (curso em empresa)

    "Adorei a professora e aprendi muito e gostava de continuar"
  • Sandra Regufe (curso em empresa)

    "Foi uma forma descontraida de "desenferrujar" a língua inglesa. Era esse o principal objectivo e acho que foi atingido"
  • Beatriz Besana (curso de ano letivo)

    "A professora dá as aulas com muita motivação!"
  • Angelo Gomes (curso em empresa)

    "Existiu a preocupação de adequar o curso ao nível linguístico de cada formando. Os termos abordados foram de encontro às necessidades individuais e gerais."

Escrita Comercial em inglês

computer-keyboard1Um curso de Inglês Específico - Business Writing.

Um curso de nível intermédio - avançado, muito específico e de curta duração para quem precisa de melhorar e praticar a vertente escrita da língua para fins profissionais.

Unit 1

Language Structures


Key Point 1

Discussing the use of email and its   impact on the workplace. Reviewing different formats and styles used for   emails. Considering the transactional and relational functions of language.

Email exchanges concerning

Key Point 2

Considering the use of English as a   lingua franca in relation to clarity and correctness and the achievement of   aims.

Emails written by speakers of English as   a lingua franca, requesting and providing information

Key Point 3

Analyzing ambiguous or offensive emails   and reviewing ways of avoiding communication problems.

Unclear, ambiguous and inappropriate   emails

Unit 2

Language Structures


Key Point 4

Discussing the use of letters as opposed   to emails. Reviewing the format and generic features of letters.

Follow-up letter

Key Point 5

Reviewing the use, format, structure and   style of memoranda.

Memorandum concerning procedures in case   of fire

Key Point 6

Reviewing the format and style of faxes.

Fax concerning forthcoming office move

Unit 3

Language Structures


Key Point 7

Analyzing a letter of complaint, focusing   on structure, use of linking words in the development of a strong argument.

Letter of complaint concerning a training   course

Key Point 8

Analysis of style and tone, and   discussion on strategy in dealing with difficult issues in writing.

Response to the letter of complaint on   the training course

Key Point 9

Considering the need for directness and   features of style that avoid ambiguity, but are not offensive. Reviewing   direct and indirect language.

Disciplinary memorandum

Unit 4

Language Structures


Key Point 10

Considering types of reports and conventional   formats and terminology used for reports and proposals.

Report on problems at a fashion store

Key Point 11

Analyzing alternative formats for   reports, including the nature and purpose of executive summaries. Reviewing   features of formal and impersonal style used in reports.

Incident report

Key Point 12

Considering proposals and their uses.   Analyzing the role of structure in building persuasive arguments.

Proposal concerning the choice of a   relocation firm

Unit 5

Language Structures


Key Point 13

Reviewing the standard format of agendas   and terminology concerning agendas and minutes.

Management meeting agenda

Key Point 14

Considering the purpose and structure of   minutes and the language used in minutes.

Minutes of management meeting

Key Point 15

Analyzing different approaches to writing   minutes, including stylistic features of formal minutes.

Excerpt from the minutes of a board   meeting

Unit 6

Language Structures


Key Point 16

Considering the notion and importance on   effective writing in business. Discussing aspects of good and poor writing.   Reviewing writing as a systematic process involving planning, writing and   revising.

Memorandum on effective writing

Key Point 17

Analyzing and revising/rewriting a poorly   written text using an editing checklist. Considering the use of graphics in   text.

Email for revision

Key Point 18

Considering the importance of tone and   individual voice in writing social letters. Considering sources of offense or   irritation in writing.

Letter of condolence