Language Functions
Unit 1
My Bank
KP 1
- Presenting your bank/mission statement
- Discussing key markets and key product groups/services
The bank and you
KP 2
- Explaining ownership and shareholder structure
- Walking your customer through the organization chart and helping him solve complex problems involving different branches and partners
Bank organization
KP 3
- Presenting the services
- Explaining synergies you see in these services
- Expanding a basic relationship and developing a solution for your customer that takes account of his risk profile and future needs (e.g. pension)
Cross-selling products
Unit 2
Financial Services
KP 4
- Managing an initial customer interview
- Describing the process of opening an account
- Assessing the customer's additional needs (for cross-selling)
Opening an account
KP 5
- Explaining overdrafts, personal loans, mortgages and commercial loans
- Discussing how to deal with loan inquiries from existing and new customers
- Solving problems with customers
Lending money
KP 6
- Describing the mortgage application processes
- Assessing and evaluating different mortgages
- Reporting the mortgage business to your superiors
Selling mortgages
Unit 3
Private Banking
KP 7
- Describing techniques for client acquisition (and retention)
- Developing your client / "product literacy"
Client value management
KP 8
- Understanding the role of relationship managers
- Performing client advisory (asset allocation)
- Discussing the challenge of increasing the time in front of clients
The advisory process
KP 9
- Understanding art investment
- Discussing philanthropic solutions and family offices
Combining wealth management solutions and philanthropic activities
Unit 4
Corporate Clients
KP 10
- Explaining borrowing requirements and asking for covenants
- Presenting different loan models to corporate clients
- Negotiating the process from loans to bonds with partner banks
Negotiating syndicated loans
KP 11
- Reading and analyzing annual statements
- Describing and using company rating as risk management tools
- Discussing internal/external ratings and the role of rating agencies
The rating process
KP 12
- Preparing a pitch presentation for the advisory mandate
- Advising your client throughout an IPO
- Managing challenging negotiation situations
Initial public offering
Unit 5
Interaction with Bank Management
KP 13
- Preparing a memo with key financial figures for your superiors (e.g. current credit risk positions, VaR, payments system processes)
- Addressing the board and reporting your bank's exposure to markets
Risk management and control
KP 14
- Describing money markets
- Proposing improved treasury concepts to the management
- Discussing alternative instruments for refinancing with your team
The strategic role of treasury management in a bank
KP 15
- Dealing with workouts: bankruptcy or restructuring
- Guiding negotiation processes throughout a restructuring case
- Describing the links of successful workout to risk assessment
Unit 6
Challenges in Risk Management
KP 16
- Understanding credit risk as crucial impact factor for banks
- Managing credit risk on the balance sheet
- Managing credit risk off balance sheet
- Discussing regulatory requirements (Basel II)
Credit risk
KP 17
- Understanding bank's exposure to stock markets
- Describing the links of market risk to credit risk
- Discussing the impact of economic environment on bank profitability and risk
Market risk
KP 18
- Identifying operational risks
- Preparing scenarios and stress tests
- Implementing value at risk measures
Operational risk